Design a career you love

You’re a vibrant force of nature who has so much to give to the world… but something’s holding you back.

I help you shift what’s not working with work, so you can live life on your terms.

I’m not here to proofread your resume. I’m here to help you:

✨ Pivot to a more fulfilling industry, company, or role

✨ Prioritize non-work aspects of life like your health, relationships, and play

✨ Select a working model that better serves you like entrepreneurship or freelance

✨ Stop playing small and show up confidently as the leader you want to be

✨ Cultivate healthier boundaries at work and advocate for equitable compensation

Imagine the career you’d design if you were guided by love, not fear.

I know. Work can be a breeding ground for fear…

❤️‍🩹 We have to work to support ourselves (and sometimes others)

❤️‍🩹 In the USA, many are tethered to employers for healthcare

❤️‍🩹 Often we turn to work for stability, only to be laid off or suffer from burnout

❤️‍🩹 Ingrained beliefs about “success” can keep us from expressing our true nature

❤️‍🩹 We’re forced to engage in hierarchical relationships with unequal power

We can’t change capitalism or healthcare overnight.
We can’t change the things we were taught to believe.
We can’t change other people’s thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.

But we can change ourselves. We can make intentional choices that move us, and our important work (and play), forward.

Grace Vigeant laughing at Huntington Gardens

I’ve worked with 100+ people to land dream jobs, invest in side hustles, take charge of their time and energy, raise salaries by 25%, and more…

You may experience an outward change like pivoting industries, companies, or roles, shifting from corporate to entrepreneurship, setting better boundaries…

But more importantly, you’ll learn to act from a place of love, not fear, so you can be the driver, not the passenger, of your career and life.

Ready to design a career you love?